Why Isn't Our Maple Syrup Certified Organic?
There isn't much difference between certified organic and non-organic maple syrup, both syrups are held to the same highest of quality standards. The difference lies in the legal certification of the producer. Organic labeling simply means you're respecting these guidelines.- No chemicals or pesticides were used in the forest.
- Healthy forest. (not cutting down competing trees)
- Number of tree taps per tree.
- Natural cleaning products.
- Record keeping of every drop of maple syrup and where it came from.
- Each producer must pay annually for certification based on yearly sales.
The added inspection and record keeping is really what makes the difference between organic and non-organic certified pure maple syrup. Non-organic producers don't want to pay more fees and spend extra time on record keeping. None of these guidelines actually relate to the sap or syrup itself, but rather what happens before and after production. Just because it is organic doesn't mean it is high quality or taste any different.
.. so why isn't our maple syrup certified organic?
So we can continue to have a high quality product at a great value!